
I'm Hardik👋

I'm a junior at UT Austin majoring in Computer Science with a strong passion for using my skills and talents to create fullstack web applications with real world applications!
Here's a bit more about me.

My work experience

  • John Deere Financial

    Software Engineering Intern

    AWS ECS, Lambda, FastAPI, GraphQL, React, Terraform, Maven, Jenkins, Docker

    Implemented business feature within ECS instances and Lambdas, and developed a REST API using Python, FastAPI, and GraphQL to query New Relic and display log info as dashboards.

  • Crestron Electronics

    Software Engineering Intern

    Python, Tensorflow, C#, Unittest, Numpy, OpenCV

    Developed an automation frameowork that utilizes Crestron Devices to test drivers for devices. Paired it with a machine-learning algorithm to ensure the drivers are working as intended.

  • Infiniwell AI

    Software Development Intern

    Azure, Apache Kafka, React, React Native, Javascript, HTML, CSS

    Developed an app for hospitals to track patient's medical information and communicate with them, with a system that automatically flags unusual vitals

Here are some of my projects!

  • Connect

    Javascript, HTML, CSS, Expo, Firebase, React Native

    A brand new app that allows you to discover local businesses through innovative search algorithms, verified reviews, and rating based reccomendations.

  • VirtuChat

    Python, TypeScript, DynamoDB, Lambdas, S3, OpenAI, Flask, Deepface

    A virtual therapist that uses GPT-4 and facial recognition data to simulate real-time, interactive therapy sessions

  • Cargo Shipping App

    Python, AWS, HTML, CSS, Flask, Tensorflow, Plotly

    A full-stack web application that allows truck drivers to monetize open cargo space efficiently

  • SecurEd: An application to keep our schools safe

    Python, AWS, HTML, CSS,

    An application that helps schools coordinate with local authorities, and keep the students inside the building safe during a threat.

  • Secure Credit System based on Chaos Theory

    Python, Pytorch, Matplotlib, Numpy, React, Javascript

    Secure transaction system using face/voice with auto encryption, backed by a deep learning model that utilizes chaotic math and Fourier series.

  • Automation/ML Detection framework for Quality Engineering

    Python, Tensorflow, C#, OpenCV, Numpy, Pandas

    An automation framework that utilizes Python to run drivers and their commands, and uses machine learning to check their output. Part of the Crestron Internship

  • FindIt

    Javascript, React, Firebase

    A movie searching platform that allows you to search for movies using filters

  • Library App

    Javascript, React

    An e-commerce platform for users to browse and purchase books using search, filter, and add-to-cart functionalities

  • Twitter

    Javascript, Next.js, Firebase, Tailwind CSS

    A fully responsive Twitter clone with posting, commenting, and liking functionality that uses Google sign-in to display user profile data

  • Huffman Coding


    A huffman based compression and decompression algorithm and GUI (works on all file formats)